First-winter Yellow-legged Gull (right) on the boom at Mander CP, 30 January 2009

2nd winter Glaucous Gull, off Mander CP.

Mealy Redpoll, Woodwalton Fen.
So, Mark, myself and Willow grilled the flat-calm mirror at the east end for a good 40 minutes before work this morning, from all angles possible, made noises like dragonfly larvae and fish fry, bit alas we could only manage three portions of grebe. We even picked up the RNG several times, despite it being really active and moving around the place diving constantly. There were lots of Dabchicks present setting our pulses racing momentarily, only for hopes to be dashed when they resurfaced. So, disgruntled, we headed off our separate ways for work.
Later, another birder turned up and found a Black-necked by the south end of the dam (but interestingly could not find the Red-necked...).
I give up!!
2 portions of grebe, with plenty of room for 3 more...
Little of note in Savages Creek and the usual woodland birds in the woods, the highlights being a singing Marsh Tit. Willow got a very muddy belly, courtesy of the new surface on the track Anglian Water have laid down. It is a big improvement though.
With a little sunshine, I managed to get a slightly better photo of the drake Smew off Plummer - see below - along with the female Scaup, several Red-crested Pochards and 30 Goldeneye. Nearby off Mander a female Smew and a couple of Goosander.