Birding on a bright morning round Grafham Water revealed my first Swallow of the spring, which flew along the res whilst watching c30 Sand Martins scudding about over the water. Later, I hooked up with Mark Hawkes and we found the female Wheatear still present on the dam by the tower. We also had a pair of LRP's which flew past calling before landing on the north end of the dam. Lots of raptors about but nothing unusual. The female Scaup is still present and was asleep off Gaynes Point with a handful of rather dapper Tufties. Also, two female Goosander in the lagoons and six or so Goldeneye still. These birds seem to all be first summers, presumably the adults are in more of a hurry to get back to the breeding grounds. Sadly there was no wind-blown diver or seaduck following yesterday's squally weather.