Up early provided rewards in the shape of three early Arctic Terns heading purposefully west down the reservoir. They did not linger. A first-summer Med Gull was hunting worms on the grass at Marlow early morning too, with a large flock of Black-headeds. Also in today, my first Whitethroat of the spring, singing in the scrub near the north end of the dam. Several Yellow Wags and stacks of hirundines, including plenty of House Martins, were hawking for insects in the lee of the large willows by the dam. Sadly, I failed to pick out a Red-rump...
A pair of Common Scoters were also found off the dam, they later moved down towards Mander, after being flushed by fishing boats. The light northwesterly and drizzle is still going at lunchtime as I write, but little else has turned up. It is going northeasterly tomorrow, so things may pick up. Lots of migrants now in, with Sedge and Willow Warblers all over the place. There are 8 Avocets now in the lagoons, all getting very frisky.

4 Common Scoters, 5th April

Scaup - the resident female

Yellow Wag