Monday 12 December 2022

Paying Homage to the King

Finding myself not far from the beach the other day, it seemed rude not to pop a little farther up the coast to pay homage to the drake King Eider, that had turned up at Redcar. The bird was showing on a rolling sea, feeding on the Mussel beds just offshore, with a gang of Common Eiders. Attendant young Herring Gulls attempted to steal Mussels brought to the surface by the ducks. His highness was tricky to watch, disappearing underwater frequently and being hidden by the swell when on the surface, so I spent quite a bit of time getting arriving birders on to him. I walked back, pausing to enjoy a large flock of Sanderlings and Turnstones, and a solitary Red-throated Diver fishing in the surf.

Click here for a video montage of the king on YouTube

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