Friday 6 October 2023

Birthday Odonate

I always take the day off work to go birding, if this falls on a week day. This year was no exception and despite the unfavourable conditions for east coast birding, I thought I'd head that way to see what I could find. The lure of the Bempton Red-eyed Vireo was strong, so I started there, and failed miserably! Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable morning, seeking migrants in the lee of the brisk westerly wind and keeping a keen eye and ear out for the vireo. Several Chiffchaffs, a few Redpolls and Siskins were the main results, along with a handful of Goldcrests. Best of all, once the sun came out, three or four Willow Emerald damselflies appeared, around the small pond by the overflow car park. This, a recent colonist of Yorkshire, is the only damselfly still on the wing currently, joining hordes of Common Darters basking in the sunshine and the occasional Migrant Hawker darting along the sheltered hedgerows.

I headed over to the Outer Head at Flamborough after lunch, to walk the Old Fall Loop. It was quiet, with a dozen southbound Swallows moving through, plus small numbers of Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests in the bushes and a single Wheatear in the ploughed field at Cattlemere.

So, a quiet day bird-wise, but nice to get a new Odonate at least.

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