Tuesday 17 October 2023

York Yank

Chris Gomersall found this cracking juvenile American Golden Plover near Raker Lakes, Wheldrake this afternoon (17th October). Only the second record for York, I popped out for a late lunchbreak to check it out. The bird was feeding with c400 Euro Goldies in the stubble and was often the nearest bird. It's long-winged, slighter frame along with its silvery colouration and striking head pattern made it stand out from its chunkier cousins. The long legs were apparent, which made the bird almost as tall as the Goldies. It was quite aggressive towards the Goldies, which meant we got good views of the pale grey underwing from time to time as the bird flapped about. The bird was in pristine plumage with upperparts notched in white, except for gold on the inner tertials and scapulars. The head pattern was bold, very white-faced, with a neat dark cap, with white forehead, lores and chin, and exhibiting an odd dark cross-shape, made up of the dark cap, large eye and ear coverts and bill. After a while, the flock was flushed and circled off to the east. Absolutely cracking!

 And some video:

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