Sunday 31 October 2010


The day after my last visit to Wheldrake, a male American Wigeon was found. This must have been there when I was, so a bit gutted. Nevermind.
Anyway, spent an enjoyable afternoon with me Dad; just like old times. Quickly found the Wig, feeding in the shallows in front of Tower Hide. The black and white rear end seemed to really stand out, allowing the bird to be found easily. I also noted the longer tail than Eurasian Wig, a feature I had not really noticed before. Nearby, 14 Pink-feet were with the collosal Greylag/Canada flock, all of which soon departed; 9 north, 5 south. 20 Whoopers were hanging out and today 18 Ruff were joined by 6 Dunlin. Willow Tits buzzed in the riverside willows, and sadly I got back into Woodthorpe too late for the Waxwings that had been found on Alness Drive. Maybe tomorrow...

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