Sunday 17 May 2020

Hello, Old Friend

I have really missed Wheldrake Ings. It is only seven miles away, but just felt too far to go during lockdown. Since restrictions eased a bit last Wednesday, I have visited Wheldrake Ings twice.It is lovely to be back, like reaquainting with an old friend.

Reed Bunting

Today, I went for a walk along the Derwent with the family. The ings is a riot of green; the floods have mostly gone, though the snaking necks of Mute Swans arc out of the grassland, reminding us of the water still present. The songs of summer migrants are a constant, with Willow, Garden, Sedge and Reed Warblers vying for the airwaves with Whitethroats and Blackcaps. Swifts carve the skies, often in pairs, presumably performing their aerial courtships. Yellow flag provides golden splashes among the reed sweetgrass. Two Whimbrel on Wednesday night maybe the only ones I will see here this spring as the roost will be at an end round about now.


 Little Egret

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