Sunday 24 January 2021

Hard Frost

Dog walks and bike rides were the lockdown weekend highlights, with a deep, biting frost gripping the land. On the ings, ice was abandoned, left stranded as the floodwater receded, occasionally collapsing with a noise like a cricket ball going through a greenhouse. Just across the river, a Little Owl peeped out of an old shed, blinking in the sunlight. Nearby, a flighty flock of exquisite Lesser Redpolls fed nervously in a Silver Birch. A couple or more Mealy Redpolls were in with the flock, but were tricky to photograph. No sign of anything rarer with the group, but a flock to keep an eye on for sure. Later, A big bunting flock on the airfield cried out for a ticking rarity, but sadly I couldn't find anything. At least 50 Reed Buntings was pretty impressive nevertheless. A Green Woodpecker flushed from a steaming manure pile was also a surprise. 


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