Sunday, 16 March 2025

Searching for Goshawks

It is Goshawk season, and I have spent the last couple of weekends leading Goshawk tours for Yorkshire Coast Nature in search of these fantastic raptors. I am proud to be able to take folk up here on behalf of YCN, who make donations each year to the RSPB Investigations Team, who work tirelessly to stamp out illegal persecution of Goshawks and other species. Hopefully these tours help people understand a bit about these birds and the dreadful impact of the illegal activities that are so rife in some parts of North Yorkshire, robbing many people of a wondeful encounter with one of these special birds.


It has been great being back in the forest, with every day providing a unique experience with the king of raptors. The tours this year have got off to a great, start; good weather has helped - apart from a foggy start to my first tour - and we have connected with several Goshawks on each trip. 


Always wary, we have had good scope views of perched and displaying birds as they sparred with last year's young and the local Buzzards, over the picturesque Yorkshire forest. It is good to see some old familiar birds still holding territory and using their regular perches, where they keep watch over the valley. Having watched this area for several years, we know many of the usual hang outs; nevertheless, we always keep our distance ensuring we do not disturb the birds- hence my poor photos!

Lots of Siskins and Crossbills around too, and Chiffchaffs have started to arrive too. Willow Tits have shown up on most tours, as they seem to be hanging on up in the forest. We always see lots of other wildlife too, including Roe Deer and on one afternoon, a gorgeous Red Fox.


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