Saturday, 6 September 2008


An hour watching from the gate at the harbour (Mander CP) revealed the juvenile Marsh Harrier hunting over Savages Creek, the Osprey (which has been here a week now) soaring over the res for at least 45 minutes, 2-3 Hobbys, a couple of Buzzards and a Sparrowhawk. Strangely, I didn't see a Kestrel! The Osprey caught a fish at one point but it was seemingly so heavy that after a lot of thrashing around in the water, it finally let go and flew off empty-handed (or should that be empty-taloned?!).
4 or 5 Black Terns still flicking about. No sign of the Manxie, but there were a lot of boats around, so maybe it was sheltering in a secluded bay somewhere.

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