Up to Horsey for dawn, met Dean Harlow in the car park, plus some other birder who was from Peterborough apparently. Did Cambs expand it's boundaries overnight? No sign of any Wheatears, so headed down to my little Wheatear-spot, where again I drew a blank. On the way back I realised another birder was glued to his scope, so I clambered over. The Pied Wheatear was actually in the pillbox, presumably having roosted in there overnight. It was quite happy scuttling about in the gloom, among the shit and syringes for a bit, before venturing outside to admire the local graffiti. Great views of a smart, educational bird. I had not really noticed how obvious the streaked breast band was before, and this is a good feature I reckon. Scooted north towards Waxham to see if I could pull it out of the bag. There was much more activity than on Sunday, with several Chiffchaffs, Goldcrests and Robins in the bushes, with a lot of finches and mippits overhead. Apparently 'our' Shore Lark was still present by the bogs on the campsite. Sadly, work beckoned, so off I went.

Willow and Adelaide, Horsey, Sat 10th Oct. Willow is thinking, "Dad, what is that small brown bird on the edge of the beach with a white arse?"
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