Tuesday, 10 April 2012

April showers

Dodging the April showers I took a quick afternoon visit to Wheldrake Ings with Chris G. A sprinkling of hirundines noted, Swallows and Sand Martins with at least one House Martin thrown in, looking stonking as they always do when they first return. A fine male Peregrine shot through and close over Pool Hide, though not preceded by clouds of ducks and waders as most have departed. A smart Greenshank was on the Refuge, found earlier by Russ, though the Avocets had gone. Four or five Dunlin were present too plus a solitary Blackwit. No Sedge Warblers yet though at least one Willow Warbler singing. Intriguingly, c20 large finches in the tops of the larches and repeatedly dropping into the pines in the plantation just north of the site could only have been Crossbills. Chris and me beat a hasty exit to confront a man who had let a lurcher and a big shaggy dog off on to the meadows, upsetting all the Curlews and Lapwings getting ready to breed. This guy either didn't know any better or didn't care; unfortunately he had gone before we got to have a word. The new signage coming soon should hopefully reduce this problem. The Ings is looking good at the mo, due to the pulse of snowmelt water and rain coming off the Moors. Bodes well for the spring passage.

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