Monday 15 June 2020

Local June Birding

As spring migration reaches an impressive finale of late spring vagrants (Blyth's Reed Warblers, Marsh Warblers, Greenish Warblers etc), the first returning Green Sandpipers are already bringing a touch of autumn locally. Quite incredible to see this seasonal overlap.

I spent an enjoyable evening at Wheldrake Ings last week, with the focus being on the flower-filled hay meadows, where a Quail sang 'wet my lips' briefly, unseen among the stems of Narrow-leaved Water Dropwort and Meadow Foxtail; a Corn Bunting jangled from the top of the Meadowsweet and a Grasshopper Warbler crept above the sward to give his reeling extra volume.

A morning or two later, I had a pre-work trip to Bank Island to look at an unseasonal Knot, presumably a female, feeding with the local Redshanks. Usually a scarce autumn and winter bird in the York area, a June Knot is pretty unexpected and a nice find by Duncan Bye. Another Grasshopper Warbler was reeling nearby; it seems like a pretty good year for them round here.

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