Wednesday 9 September 2020

York Cattle Egret and Whales off Staithes!

10-11th September: Led two back-to-back pelagics off Staithes for Yorkshire Coast Nature. The first was great with many sightings of at least seven Minke Whales, whereas the following day, rougher seas meant it was a struggle and I only saw one Minke. There were some great feeding frenzies of at least 50 Grey Seals, hundreds of Gannets etc, but no whales. Also saw a handful of Manx and Sooty Shearwaters and a couple of Great Skuas. Great fun!

Sadly my poor photography skills don't do these superb beasts justice. 



9th September: Put the cricket bat down for a quick twitch to Wheldrake Ings to see my first York-area Cattle Egret that had been found by Craig and Duncan on the Low Grounds early evening. Sol came with me and was chuffed to get a ride in Craig's truck! After watching the bird, seemingly a juvenile, for a bit, something flushed the bird and the accompanying Greylags and it flew out of sight. It was last seen heading towards Bank Island and was not seen again by dusk, though I was home playing cricket in the street by then.

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